Smile! Life’s Too Short Not to Find Joy in Every Moment

Life is a journey full of layers—just like an onion. And as an artist, I’ve come to realize that each layer we peel back reveals something new about ourselves and the world around us. Sometimes, it brings tears to our eyes; other times, it brings a smile to our face. But no matter what, it’s all part of the beautiful process of living.

My latest painting, Onion, aka, R.5.O, is inspired by my experiences as an onion farmer in Kenya. Onions may be known for making us cry, but this one’s different—it’s here to make you smile!

R.5.O represents the many layers of life. Each layer holds its own story, its own emotion. And just like peeling an onion, the more we delve into life, the more we discover about ourselves and others. Some layers may be tough, others tender, but all are essential to the whole.

In this piece, I wanted to capture the essence of joy found in the unexpected. R.5.O is a cheerful onion character that turns the usual tears of cutting an onion into a reason to smile. It's a playful reminder that joy can be found in the most unlikely places, and that no matter how many layers we uncover, there’s always something to smile about.

So here’s a little nudge from me to you: keep peeling back those layers, keep exploring, and most importantly—keep smiling. Life’s too short not to try your best to find the joy in every moment.

What do you see when you look at R.5.O? I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!

Navigating the Social Media Maze

Help Me Name This Painting? | by Nzioki Munyao

Let's chat about that thing we all love and hate—social media. It's like this painting I completed several weeks ago, where every swipe and like paints another stroke on the canvas of our digital lives.

That G clef at the heart of the piece? It’s the music behind the endless scroll, the soundtrack to our late-night dives into the Insta rabbit hole. We've all been there, haven't we? Those tunes that keep us hooked, promising another hit song or viral dance just a swipe away.

And boy, do those neon colors pop! They’re like the buzz you get when your post blows up with likes. It's a rush, a burst of virtual high-fives that feels pretty awesome in the moment. But then there's the flip side—those droopy eyes. They're all of us when we realize we've been zoning out to our screens, missing out on the real world and real people.

Those vibrant colors? They're not just for show. They're the sneaky little dopamine hits we get, making us come back for more. But the tired eyes painted amidst the chaos? That's the real talk. It's the time we've given up, the stuff we could've been doing, the memories we could've been making.

And the smile in there? Yeah, it's the good vibes we get from catching up with friends or chuckling at memes. But it's also a bit of a question mark, isn't it? Are we really having as much fun as we think, or is it just a quick fix?

This whole social media thing is like walking a tightrope. It keeps us in the loop, makes us laugh, and helps us feel connected. But it's also this big, colorful distraction that can gobble up our time before we even notice.

So, what's the deal? Are we better off with our feeds and stories, or is it a case of too much of a good thing? Well, I guess it's about finding that sweet spot, where we can enjoy the perks without falling into the trap. It's about making social media work for us, not the other way around.

Let’s keep the conversation going, maybe even off-screen. After all, isn't that where the best stories happen?