The Unity of Golf Embodied in "The M Tiger" Painting

Golf is a sport that unites people, and nowhere is this connection better symbolized than in a striking acrylic painting named "The M Tiger." This 12"x12" canvas piece is a vibrant representation of the spirit and passion inherent in the game.

The M Tiger | 12”x12” Acrylic on Canvas | Gift from the Artist to Matthew Lewis

"The M Tiger" captures the essence of golf—a tiger lying in repose with a golf flag as a testament to the sport's blend of calm precision and inner fire. The tiger's bold yellow and black palette reflects the focus and strength required in golf, while the red flag symbolizes the achievements and shared experiences on the course.

Gifted to Matt Lewis, "The M Tiger" is not only a representation of the sport's challenges but also its camaraderie. To Matt, this piece is a constant reminder of the friendships forged and the serene beauty found in golf’s quiet moments.

Matt, as the keeper of "The M Tiger," is reminded daily of the joys the sport brings—both through solitary play and the community it creates. The painting is a nod to the countless stories and memories made among fellow golf enthusiasts.

Now, it's time for Matt to share his personal connection to "The M Tiger" and the bonds created through golf.

I grew up and enjoying golf. It was my favorite thing to do throughout my childhood. As I grew older, Tiger Woods became the man he is today. It’s funny because I look back now and think about how much the greatest golfer of our generation impacted the game. Tiger Woods, is synonymous with golf and synonymous with one of the greatest athletes that will ever experience and a generation with likes of Wayne Gretzky of Tom Brady and Babe Ruth. There are two things about golf that I think about when I think about this game when is Tiger Woods and the other is the greatest golf tournament that we will experience the greatest major that we experience in this part this painting makes me think of those things it is truly a cherish thing that we get to see experience and I’m very lucky that my friend Zikki made this painting for me because he knows how much my love of the game is and he knows how much I appreciate greatness and the greatest of all time.
— Matthew Lewis

Uniting Fun, Art, and Philanthropy: The Vision Behind

Located in the heart of Charlottesville is, a venture transcending conventional art and merchandising boundaries with the store launching on March 25th, 2024. At, we're committed to more than just creating and selling merchandise. We intertwine fun, art, and philanthropy to benefit non-profits and communities both locally and globally. This post explores the essence of and our mission to make a difference through art.

Art has the power to transcend language barriers and touch hearts. We leverage this power at, turning artistic expressions into meaningful merchandise. Each item we create is part of a larger narrative that supports the causes of our non-profit partners. Currently, we are collaborating with United Way Charlottesville, Makindu Children's Program, and Just Help Africa. From the bustling streets of Charlottesville to the global corners where our friends and family reside, our goal is to engage a diverse community.

Art has the power to transcend language barriers and touch hearts.

Makindu Kids T-Shirt Design. Based on the Makindu Kids Painting. One of Several Designs Coming to the Store.'s essence lies in its commitment to philanthropy. We believe art's true value is realized when it serves a purpose beyond aesthetics, becoming a change catalyst. By dedicating part of our proceeds to non-profits, we ensure each purchase contributes to a worthy cause. This model provides our non-profit partners with financial support and raises awareness about their invaluable work.

While our vision spans globally, Charlottesville's community remains at's heart. We're committed to engaging local artists, volunteers, and community members, fostering a sense of ownership and pride in our collective impact. We invite the local community to be part of our journey through events, workshops, and collaborations.

As we look to the future, we plan to expand's reach by inviting more artists, non-profits, and community members to join our cause. Our vision involves creating a global network united by the belief that art can be a powerful force for good. With innovative designs, sustainable practices, and strategic partnerships, we aim to make a beacon of hope and inspiration for those who believe in uniting fun, art, and philanthropy. is more than a brand; it's a movement that strives to make a difference one piece of art at a time. By supporting, you contribute to a cause capable of changing lives. Join us in our mission to unite fun, art, and philanthropy, and together, let's make the world brighter.

Join the Community

My Enthusiasm for Joining the Advisory Council for the United Way of Greater Charlottesville

As the co-founder of and a person who deeply cares about giving back to communities, I'm thrilled to share that I'm joining the advisory council for the United Way of Greater Charlottesville. This is a significant milestone in my quest to make a positive impact, and I'm eager to bring my expertise to this worthwhile cause.

To me, philanthropy is more than just giving money or attending fundraisers—it's about actively engaging with the community to tackle pressing societal issues. This is why I'm drawn to the United Way's mission of mobilizing resources and rallying support to improve lives.

Charlottesville holds a special place in my heart and serves as a beacon of hope and resilience. I'm eager to contribute to the ongoing efforts to strengthen our community and ensure each individual has the chance to thrive.

One aspect of joining the advisory council that excites me is the chance to collaborate with others who share my passion for making a difference. We will use our combined knowledge, experience, and resources to find innovative solutions to challenges and create lasting change.

I'm also keen to explore new ways of community engagement and outreach, particularly in underserved areas. Whether it's supporting local nonprofits, or leading grassroots initiatives, I'm ready to contribute in any capacity to drive progress.

United Way of Greater Charlottesville connects our community, enabling individuals and families to achieve their potential.
— United Way's Mission Statement

In addition to my work in Charlottesville, I will bring a global perspective to the council, drawing from my experiences in Kenya. By sharing insights from my international work, I hope to contribute to a more comprehensive approach to philanthropy that crosses borders and fosters understanding and empathy.

I'm looking forward to meeting more members of the Charlottesville community and sharing my journey as an artist and philanthropist. Through open dialogue and meaningful connections, we can cultivate a culture of compassion and collaboration that will drive us towards a brighter future.

In closing, joining the advisory council for the United Way of Greater Charlottesville is a unique chance to channel my passion for giving back into action. I'm grateful to work alongside dedicated individuals who share my vision for a more just and equitable world, and I approach the journey ahead with enthusiasm and optimism. Together, we will make a difference—one community at a time.

Image credit: @unitedwaycville Instagram. Featured is Juandiego Wade, Board Chair (2019-2022) for the United Way of Greater Charlottesville, VA, who has recently been appointed as the mayor of Charlottesville.

Uniting for Change: The Journey of Just Help Africa

In May 2022, Tunji shared a story from his childhood with me. As we sat at the Common House, he recounted his experiences with diseases like cholera due to a lack of clean water. He described how he and other children in his area had to wake up early in the morning to fetch water, often traveling many miles from home before going to school. As a Kenyan, I could empathize with his experiences, as they mirrored stories I had heard in my own country. Furthermore, with my experience in founding non-profits and my passion for improving education in Kenya, his story resonated strongly with my philanthropic focus.

Tunji and Zikki sandwiching "‘Hydro’ a Painting Up for Auction to Raise Funds for Just Help Africa | Photo Credit: Natalie Batman

Inspired by this conversation, we saw an opportunity for change. Within a few weeks, we established Just Help Africa, a non-profit organization aimed at assisting these communities in sub-Saharan Africa. We embraced the African proverb, "If you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go together," and expanded our team.

In our first year, we collectively volunteered our time and raised enough funds to build our first well in Nigeria. This well now provides water to a community of over 7,000 people.

Children Fetching Water at a Well Location Completed by Just Help Africa in Nigeria.

Tank for Water Storage installed by Just Help Africa at the Well Location in Nigeria.

Now in our second year, we are finalizing a building renovation at Mbaikini Girls High School in Wamunyu, Kenya. This building will serve as a laboratory and teachers' office. In Nigeria, we are preparing to start another well project that will serve a community of over 10,000 people. For updates, follow us on Instagram or check our website.

Zikki & Remy Advising and Learning from the Students at Mbaikini Girls High School | Wamunyu, Kenya

We are fortunate to have a robust donor support system in Charlottesville, VA. I would like to personally acknowledge Eddie Karouliussen of Four Corners Real Estate and Ben Thomas of NWG Solutions. Both have offered invaluable advice, hosted the Just Help team, and contributed significantly towards our mission.

Ben and Eddie engaging the Crowd at a Hosted Just Help Africa Fundraiser | Photo Credit: Natalie Batman

We also have several other notable donors who have worked closely with us and continue to support our cause. You can find some of them listed on our website

If you are interested in learning more or contributing to our work in sub-Saharan Africa, please reach out to us through our website, You are always welcome to support by clicking the Donate button below: