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Transform Your Garage into an Artistic Haven: Creative Ideas and Inspiration

Have you ever considered your garage as an extension of your house? It can be a place to entertain, park your cars, or use for multiple other purposes. I love my garage and feel privileged to have one. To maximize this space, I collaborated with my wife and son to create various works of art within it.

The first painting I ever did is "Africa Out of the Blue," which you can see in the video below, along with the elephant piece. I knew I was onto something, and my work has matured over time. I'm excited to introduce you to my latest floor artwork, which took an entire weekend to complete. It's one of my favorite pieces to date and definitely the biggest.

What do you think? As I was working on it, I was pleasantly surprised by the interest from passersby, ranging from kids to retirees. Many would stop and talk to me for over ten minutes. Being an extrovert, I love these types of interactions.

Munyao Garage Floor by Nzioki Munyao | Completed May 2024 | Spray Paint + Exterior Paint + Epoxy

One goal of my art is to engage with others through face-to-face conversations. It’s so refreshing to listen to a stranger's story, especially in a welcoming space where there's something to kick off the conversation. This floor art is a perfect example, and I’m excited to host meet-ups and parties in this space.

I'd love to know if you find utility in your garage and whether this inspires you to do more with your space. Please comment on the blog or send me a message at